Cycling to Work Increases Happiness, Studies Say

Your happiness and performance at work can now be determined by your chosen method to get there. If you commute, you are more likely to feel dissatisfied. Studies even say that the longer your commute is, the more likely you are to miss more work days. Employees who don’t have to deal with a long commute are happier because they are able to maximize their time and live their life to the fullest. Sitting in a public transportation for a long time to get from your home to your workplace diminishes happiness and satisfaction because there is a notion that you are wasting your time. Further studies even prove that people who take their bikes to work experience more happiness and are unlikely to skip work due to illnesses compared to their counterparts who commute to work. The additional physical activity brought about by bicycles can help in decreasing symptoms of depression, enhancing the production of good hormones, minimizing cortisol hormones and boo...